角田文衛著『待賢門院璋子 の生涯』より
平安時代院政期の権力者「白河法皇」は寵妃「祇園女御」の養女である「藤原公実」の末娘を身近に置いて育てた。「院の姫君」と呼ばれた彼女の可愛らしさと快活さはかぐや姫のように人々を魅了した。From "The Life of Taikenmon-in Tamako" by Bunei Tsunoda
During the Heian period (794-1185), "Hōhō Shirakawa (the emperor who retired and became a monk), apowerful figure in the Imperial Court, raised an adopted daughter of his favorite queen, "Gion-no-nyogo", close to him.
She was called "Princess of the In" and her beauty and vivaciousness fascinated people like "Kaguyahime".