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Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesArchitectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples



Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples
Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples

Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with apples

W 40.00cm x H 60.00cm x D 3.00cm
TRiCERA ARTは、紛失や破損などの不可抗力により、作品の配送を保証できない場合があります。


  • Architectural ancient landscape, ruins on the background of trees with applesについて


    歴史は価値観を刺激する。特に貴重なのは、木々や花々が美しく咲き誇るイングリッシュガーデンに囲まれた、優美な古い建築物や宮殿の遺跡である。私たちの土地にはそのような場所がたくさんあった。今は思い出だけが残っている。そして私たちへの最後の贈り物としての果物。 Urvenna, 2024 多層油絵 ギャラリーストレッチ、作品はすぐに飾ることができます。 両面にアーティストのサイン、真正性の証明書が追加されます。 風景は発送準備ができています。

  • このアーティストについて



    ユリア・オドゥカレッツの作品を語るとき、調和を求めることが主な基準となる。見る人を満足させるためには、潜在意識の意図しない思考がもたらす喜びを見たり感じたりすることが重要なのだ。 彼女の作品は安らぎのためのものだ。ユリアの作品の根底にある安らぎと休息への欲求は、作品を温かく優しいものにしている。

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