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プロフィールのイメージ / Fernanda Morales Tovar

Fernanda Morales Tovar

Fernanda Morales Tovar




Fernanda Morales Tovar



Fernanda Morales Tovarのオリジナル作品・paintersをトライセラアート通販で3点販売中。Fernanda Morales Tovarの作品の平均価格、プロフィール、個展情報なども確認できます。


“Archeologies of environment”



Shadow concave territories

JPY 98,670 (税込) Year.2021 w30.00 x h30.00 x d2.50


Displaced nexus

JPY 444,070 (税込) Year.2021 w100.00 x h80.00 x d5.00


Routine as a dialogue

JPY 100,320 (税込) Year.2021 w30.00 x h30.00 x d2.50



JPY ¥89,700 ~ ¥403,700


フェルナンダ・モラレス・トバールは、メキシコシティを拠点に活動しています。メキシコ国立自治大学で視覚芸術の修士号と学士号を取得。スペインのマドリード・コンプルテンセ大学にてアカデミック・リサーチ・ステイを行う(2019年)。メキシコとオランダで個展と30以上のグループ展に出品し、IV José Atanasio Monroy Pa...


2022 Arte Joven, Museo Galería Arte Mexiquense Torres Bicentenario, State of Mexico, Mexico.
2022 Nasty Women Revive, Nasty Women London at Open House Hackney, London, United Kingdom.
2021 XII Pacific Biennial of Painting and Engraving “Javier Mariano”, Museo 7 Regiones, Guerrero, Mexico.
2021 Destetados, Gallery Weekend Mexico, Cachorro Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2021 Kitchen Gallery Exhibition, Round Lemon-Moseley Hive, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
2021 25th Art Fair Art Laren, Kiwanis Club Laren, Huizen, the Netherlands.
2021 A good understanding, few words, Haikus essays in the plastic arts, A6 Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2021 Undertow, OpenArtExchange Gallery, Schiedam, the Netherlands.
2021 Urban theories. City landscapes..., Curation by Héctor Archundia, ArtBaena Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2021 Plastic Art Fanzines: Women artists with Delirious Ideas, Curation by Maximiliano Grego, Mazatlan Art Museum, Sinaloa, Mexico.
2020 State of Mexico Fair Art, Museo Galería Arte Mexiquense, State of Mexico, Mexico.
2020 This is not out of context, Adolfo Mexiac Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2020 Fanzines: Plastic Artists with Delirious Ideas, Curation by Maximiliano Grego, Guanajuato Wine Museum, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2020 IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, Francisco Villa Museum, Durango, Mexico.
2020 Poetics of Contemporary Art, Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
2019 Poetics of Contemporary Art, Mexican Plastic Show, Mexico City, Mexico.
2019 The Contemporary Guanajuato Collection, Noel Cayetano Gallery, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2019 The Contemporary Guanajuato Collection, Regional Center for Artistic Expression, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2019 Expo Fonde Arte, Museum of Watercolor, Mexico City, Mexico.
2019 Memories of freedom, Korean Cultural Center, Mexico City, Mexico.
2018 Residues or Fables of Anticipation, Curation by Guillermo Santamarina Lagunes, El Otro Mono Gallery, Morelos, Mexico.
2018 IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, Raúl Anguiano Museum Art, Jalisco, Mexico.
2018 IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, University Center of the South Coast, Jalisco, Mexico.
2018 III University Fair of Art, University Museum of Sciences and Arts, Mexico City, Mexico.
2018 2nd Art Circuit, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2017 2nd Art Circuit, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2017 Affordable, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2016 Kozmic Blues: between control / uncontrol, Curation by Guillermo Santamarina Lagunes, BUAP University Cultural Center, Puebla, Mexico.
2016 Biennial ‘Parameter 02’ Arte Lumen, Museum of Mexico City, Mexico.
2016 5th. Anniversary AFA Catalogue, Faro Oriente, Mexico City, Mexico.
2015 Ten years of the Aguafuerte Gallery, Aguafuerte Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2015 Parameter 01’ Arte Lumen, Carrillo Gil Art Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.


2022 Converging in the environment, Curation by César de la Cueva, Centro Cultural Espacio Matta (CCEM) , La Granja Santiago, Chile.
2022 A bluer board, Curation by Belén Fernández, ARM Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
2018 Archeologies of enviroment, Gallery Refuge for Visual Emergencies, State of Mexico, Mexico.
