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プロフィールのイメージ / Daphna Laszlo Katzor

Daphna Laszlo Katzor

דפנה לסלו קצור




דפנה לסלו קצור(Daphna Laszlo Katzor)


to be updated私はこれまでの人生で、イスラエルの大手新聞社でファッションやポートレートの写真家として商業写真に携わり、その後、広告写真スタジオを設立しました。自分が芸術写真を撮るとは想像もしていませんでしたが、人生の様々な劇的な変化の中で、自分を表現するために写真を撮りたいという強い欲求に駆られ、こ...
to be updated私はこれまでの人生で、イスラエルの大手新聞社でファッションやポートレートの写真家として商業写真に携わり、その後、広告写真スタジオを設立しました。自分が芸術写真を撮るとは想像もしていませんでしたが、人生の様々な劇的な変化の中で、自分を表現するために写真を撮りたいという強い欲求に駆られ、この分野に入りました。





Daphna Laszlo Katzorのオリジナル作品・mixed-media-artistsをトライセラアート通販で9点販売中。Daphna Laszlo Katzorの作品の平均価格、プロフィール、個展情報なども確認できます。





Children in Volcanic Land

JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2017 w100.00 x h66.00 x d0.20 cm

“Daphna Laszlo Katzorの作品一覧”


Man and Pyramid

JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2003 w100.00 x h70.00 x d0.30 cm



JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2003 w100.00 x h70.00 x d0.30 cm


Children at a Bonfire

JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2017 w100.00 x h62.00 x d0.20 cm



JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2017 w100.00 x h65.00 x d0.20 cm


Children with Moonflower

JPY 300,850 (税込) Year.2017 w100.00 x h64.00 x d0.20 cm


Young Girl and the Sea

JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2003 w100.00 x h69.00 x d0.10 cm



JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2017 w100.00 x h72.00 x d0.20 cm



JPY 150,370 (税込) Year.2013 w100.00 x h69.00 x d0.20 cm



JPY ¥136,700 ~ ¥273,500


教育 2000年 Orian College Tel Aviv、マルチメディア:コンピュータ化された写真とコンピュータグラフィックスの処理 1981年~1984年 The NB Haifa School of Design商業写真学科卒業 1986年~2020年 Studio Shootディレクター、写真ワークショップ、グループや団体向けの活動日、広告やファッション写真を専門とする 2008...
教育 2000年 Orian College Tel Aviv、マルチメディア:コンピュータ化された写真とコンピュータグラフィックスの処理 1981年~1984年 The NB Haifa School of Design商業写真学科卒業 1986年~2020年 Studio Shootディレクター、写真ワークショップ、グループや団体向けの活動日、広告やファッション写真を専門とする 2008年~2020年 グループ、企業、学校での写真講師および教師 1983年~1986年 Ma'arriv新聞のファッションおよびポートレート写真家 コンペティションと受賞歴 2021年: 東京国際フォトアワード(TIFA)2019 ファインアート(その他)部門入選、および公式入選 英国ガラアワード主催の第14回ポルックス・アワード国際写真コンペティション「Alternative-Processes」部門入選 英国ガラアワード主催の第11回ポルックス・アワード国際写真コンペティション「Alternative-Processes」部門入選、The British Gala Awards 2015が主催する第8回ジュリア・マーガレット・キャメロン国際写真コンペティションの風景部門およびオルタナティヴ・プロセス部門のファイナリスト。 The British Gala Awards 1982-1983が主催する第8回ポルックス・アワード写真コンペティションの原色部門で最優秀賞を受賞。



2019 Honorable mention in the 14th international competition of the Pollux Awards, in the Alternative Processes category, held by The Gala Awards (December 2019).
2018 Awarded second prize in the international 11th edition of the pollux awards alternative-processes photography competition held by The Gala Awards (march 2018).
2015 Chosen as finalist in the Landscape category and Alternative Processes category of the 8th edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award (2015), held by The Gala Awards.
2015 Awarded first prize in the international Primary Colors photography competition held by The Gala Awards (June 2015).
1983 1982-1983: Awarded the Sharet Foundation (America-Israel Cultural Foundation) Fine-Arts Scholarship for photography
2021 Honorable mention in the Fine Art (Other) category, as well as official selection, in the Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA)
2023 International Donatello Prize at Villa Borghese, Florence, Italy
2023 Harmony for Humanity: The Global Consciousness Art Prize, awarded by the Contemporary Art Collectors
2024 Awarded first prize in the international 21th edition of the pollux awards competition, in the professional section, Fine Art category, held by The British Gala Awards


2020 More is More, Rome, Italy, Rossocinabro Gallery, group exhibition
2020 Awardee of the 14th international photography competition of the Pollux Awards and the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, held by The British Gala Awards, Fotonostrum, Barcelona, Spain
2020 Identities and Relationship Between Man, Society and Contemporary Cities, Itsliquid international contemporary art show, Venice, Italy
2017 Songzhuang, Beijing, Czech China Contemporary Art Museum (CCCAM) – “Songzhuang Photo Biennale” (major part of 10th annual Songzhuang art festival), group exhibition, photographic works
2017 Berlin, Germany, Palazzo Italia – the 4th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography, group exhibition, photographic works. Daphna was selected to exhibit in the biennial after being awarded first prize in the international Primary Colors photography competition held by The Gala Awards, which holds juried competitions for photographers from all around the globe, among which are the Pollux Annual Award and the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for women photographers
2010 Doral, Florida, Museum of the Americas – "Women in the Arts 2010", group exhibition, photographic works
2009 Bat Shlomo, Gallerina – "Ten Plus", group exhibition, clay sculptures
2008 Jaffa, Amiad Centre – "She & He", group exhibition, photographic works and bronze sculptures
2008 Tel Aviv, Asia House – "The Israeli Artists", group exhibition, photographic works, canvas print
2008 Paris, Atelier Z – "Les Artistes Israéliens", group exhibiton, photographic works, canvas print
2007 Bat Shlomo, Gallerina – "Portrait and Mask", group exhibition, ceramic sculptures
2002 Natanya Municipal Gallery – “Earth”, group exhibition, ceramic sculptures
2022 "New Contemporary, The Unique World", PAKS Gallery in Vienna, Austria, group exhibition
2022 "Art Between Thoughts and Spontaneity", PAKS Gallery in Munich, Germany, group exhibition
2022 "From Thoughts to Artwork", PAKS Gallery by the castle heidenreichstein in Austria
2022 V Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Argentina, Buenos Aires
2022 FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2022 Art Cannes Biennale, France, organized by the MAMAG Modern Art Museum in cooperation with PAKS Gallery
2022 Basel Art Biennale, Switzerland, organized by the MAMAG Modern Art Museum in cooperation with PAKS Gallery
2022 The international Art Fair in Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France, in cooperatoin with PAKS Gallery
2022 Yellow, international mixed-reality art exhibition, Milan, Italy, and Fuerteventura, Spain, M.A.D.S Gallery
2022 Paris Expo, International Contemporary Art Fair, France, in cooperation with MONAT Gallery
2022 Luxembourg Expo, International Contemporary Art Fair, in cooperation with MONAT Gallery
2022 "Unfolding Stories", Nartwork A.P.S at Luciana Matalon Fondazione, Milano, Italy, group exhibition
2022 "Guardians of Dreams", Milano, Italy, M.A.D.S Gallery, group exhibition
2023 "The Current Obsession" and "Catch the Golden Fish", MONAT Platform Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2023 "Woman's Essence Show 2023, Labo 6/2 Gallery, Musa International Art Space, Berlin, Germany
2023 "Interconnecting Lines", Museu Europeu d'Art Modern (MEAM) in collaboration with ArtioGallery, group exhibition, Barcelona, Spain
2023 Sicily Summer Art Expo, Museum of Ragusa, Musa International, Sicily, Italy
2023 Rome Art Expo, Musa International, Rome, Italy
2024 FotoNostrum The Mediterranean House of Photography, Barcelona, Spain
2024 London Biennale of Women in Art, Great Britain


2002 Tel Aviv University Museum – “Illusions”, solo exhibition of photographic works (November 2002).
2005 Ramat Gan, HaYahalom Theater – "On the Wings of Sculpting", ceramic and bronze sculptures
2003 Natanya Cultural Hall, The Hall Gallery – solo exhibition of photographic works and ceramic sculpture as part of the International Woman’s Week Activities
