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プロフィールのイメージ / Bri Zander

Bri Zander

Bri Zander




Bri Zander


BRI ZANDER's machine art deals with mechanical engineering in the 21st century.

Some of the artworks on display include the Alpha Wrapper8 from the Japanese company Fuji Packaging, the Concrete Pump Trucks from the German company Putzmeister, a detail of the Concrete Pump Trucks artwork, the Inje...
BRI ZANDER's machine art deals with mechanical engineering in the 21st century.

Some of the artworks on display include the Alpha Wrapper8 from the Japanese company Fuji Packaging, the Concrete Pump Trucks from the German company Putzmeister, a detail of the Concrete Pump Trucks artwork, the Injection Molding Machine from the Dutch company Stork Imm, the Packaging Machine from the German company Somic and two artworks for the German company Kolbus the Bookbinding Machine and the Perfect Binding Machine.

In a lengthy, intensive process, BRI ZANDER transforms photographs into abstract collages with her digital tools.

BRI ZANDER's art is inspired by the impulses of the machine developers and the mechanics who manufacture the machines. BRI ZANDER often spends many days and hours with the machines. She photographs, observes, listens and smells her way deep into the machine world.

Some of the machines are mass produced, others are unique. Each machine has its own history.

In her machine art, BRI ZANDER raises machine technology to an aesthetic level. In her abstract collages she dissolves the boundaries between strictly rational technology and human emotions.

Her goal is the path to the illusion behind our idea of reality.


Bri Zanderのオリジナル作品・mixed-media-artistsをトライセラアート通販で2点販売中。Bri Zanderの作品の平均価格、プロフィール、個展情報なども確認できます。

“Bri Zanderの作品一覧”


AERATED CONCRETE STONE PRODUCTION PLANT of German Machine Manufacturer MASA GROUP – Size 69 cm x 46 cm

JPY 31,790 (税込) Year.2022 w69.00 x h46.00 x d0.10 cm


AERATED CONCRETE STONE PRODUCTION PLANT of German Machine Manufacturer MASA GROUP – Size 57 cm x 38 cm

JPY 28,050 (税込) Year.2022 w57.00 x h38.00 x d0.15 cm



JPY ¥25,500 ~ ¥28,900


1996 - 2001 Bri Zander conducts her university studies at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Subject examinations in applied art, liberal arts, art history, design theory, cultural studies, design drafting, concept planning, project development, communication theory, strategic p...
1996 - 2001 Bri Zander conducts her university studies at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Subject examinations in applied art, liberal arts, art history, design theory, cultural studies, design drafting, concept planning, project development, communication theory, strategic planning.

Graduation in communication design from the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

1999 - 2006 Bri Zander works as teacher for abstract painting and watercolor techniques at the painting studio of the Lions Club Hannover

2001 Bri Zander founds the design studio zanderdesign

2008 Bri Zander receives first commissions for abstract machine illustrations from the machine manufacturer Masa Henke

2015 Bri Zander designs a limited edition of various machine artworks for the German company Masa Group.

After this, Bri Zander creates artworks for a number of international machine manufacturers and manufacturers of commercial vehicles.

